Lisa sparks world record video

Brain Pill on X: Porn actress Lisa Sparks (Lisa Sparxxx in 2004) set a new world  record for having sex with the most men in a single day. She achieved this  record

Woman holds record for having sex with 919 guys in the same day


Rando Fact #30 On October 16, 2004, in Warsaw, Poland, porn actress Lisa  Sparks (Lisa Sparxxx


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Lisa Sparks World Record of Sleeping With 919 Men | Lisa Sparxxx - Big Red  Pro

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Meet Woman That Breaks World Record By Sleeping With 919 Men - video  Dailymotion


IndySpanglish on X: #iBullshitYouNot In 2004, Lisa Sparks broke the world  record for the highest number of men slept with in a single day, sleeping  with a total of 919 men in

In 2001, Lisa Sparks broke the world record for the highest number of men  slept with in a single day, sleeping with a total of 919 men in 24 hours. -  iFunny


She really did enter the Guinness Book for Fucking Retards. :  rNormMacdonald


Woman breaks world record, had form with 919 men in 12 hours (VIDEO) -  LiveTimes9ja


WTF Facts em wvtffaets In 2004, Lisa Sparks broke the world record for the  highest number


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Lisa Sparks: Meet The Woman Who Holds The World Record For Sleeping With  the Most Men In A Single Day

iHarare News

Lisa Spark) Woman Sleeps with 919 Men to Set New World Record. - NAIJA.FM


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In 2004, Lisa Sparks broke the world record for the highest number of men  slept with


Lisa Sparks. Entered in the Guiness Book of Records, for satisfying 919 men  in less than 22 hours. What have you achieved? - Americas best pics and  videos

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Lisa Sparks: la actriz que entró a Guinness Récords tras tener relaciones  con más de 900 hombres

Adult Film Star Holds The Record For Sleeping With The Most Amount Of Men  In A Day


Blackpinks Lisa debut solo single Lalisa breaks two Guinness records ( VIDEO)

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